Hoher Markt 4, Vienna 1010, AT


Regulatory Advisory

Der regulatorische Druck auf den Finanzsektor wird immer größer und die Strafen der Aufsichtsbehörden immer höher. ​

Increasingly complex regulations pose ever greater challenges for banks, investment firms, AIFMs and, last but not least, service providers of virtual currencies.

We support you in the structured and efficient implementation of new regulations and in the processing of legacy issues.

We know the industry benchmarks and we know what questions to ask.”

Roland Hofer

Without the support of experienced consultants, you run the risk of:

We accompany you legally and strategically
at all stations along the way:

 from the regulatory gap analysis to the implementation concept and the finished implementation of regulations.


gap analysis


implementation concept


implementation support

We are your full-service provider for all regulatory matters, from licensing to resolution planning. We represent you vis-à-vis the supervisory authorities, be it in the case of registrations, concessions, on-site inspections, owner control procedures or administrative penal proceedings. We always take care of your concerns individually and tailored to your house. Fast, transparent and fair.

Our solutions for you:

Every institute and company is different and therefore standard solutions cannot meet the daily regulatory and supervisory challenges. We offer you an individual overall package at transparent prices and ensure that you can concentrate on what is important: your core business.

Among other things, we support you in the following areas:

Visit us!

Our office is located in the center of Vienna. 

Unser Team arbeitet hier Tag für Tag am Erfolg unserer Mandanten. Allerdings haben wir unsere Prozesse so digitalisiert, dass wir die komplette Beratung per Telefon und Video-Konferenz abwickeln können.

So können wir Mandanten in ganz Österreich, Deutschland, Liechtenstein und der Schweiz beraten.

Hoher Markt 4, Vienna 1010, AT

+43 (1) 91 666 87


Without the support of experienced consultants, you run the risk of:

  • Der rechtliche Rahmen Ihres Unternehmens nicht Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht
  • Unklarheit darüber herrscht, ob und welche Lösungen für Sie konkret in Betracht kommt
  • Regulatory changes in your company are not implemented in a timely manner