MiFID II increases the regulatory pressure on banks enormously. The additional administrative effort involved in designing and selling financial instruments requires numerous changes from all market participants. We have extensive experience in the implementation and optimization of MiFID II at home and abroad and can guide you through the jungle of regulations to your desired target value.

Hofer.Law unterstützt Sie vollumfassend dabei, die regulatorischen Herausforderungen der MiFID II zu meistern, Ihre Abläufe zu verbessern und Ihr Tagesgeschäft zu optimieren um schließlich Kosten zu senken und Ihre Effizienz zu steigern.

Without guidance from experienced advisors, you run the risk of:

Every institution is different and therefore standard solutions cannot meet the daily regulatory and supervisory challenges.

We develop a solution tailored to your institution and accompany you through all the shallows of regulatory supervisory law. We analyze your institute and support you in implementing new regulations and closing your regulatory gaps.

Our services are diverse, including:

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We think in terms of solutions and put your interests first.

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We think in terms of solutions and put your interests first.

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