Hoher Markt 4, Wien 1010, AT



We think in terms of solutions and put your business first.

We take care of your legal concerns and ensure that you can concentrate on what is important - your business. 

With us, strategic legal advice meets the best of management consulting. We are convinced that you can use your resources better than in a legal dispute. Our legal advice is aimed at protecting your business and avoiding disputes wherever possible by taking the right precautions.

We are entrepreneurs ourselves and deal intensively with the industries of our customers, because we want to understand your business. We know the current issues in the sectors we advise and inform you at an early stage about legal developments and the associated opportunities for your company.

Neben Konzernen und KMUs betreuen wir Start-Ups, FinTechs,  Privatstiftungen,  undFamily Offices sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf internationaler Ebene.d

We know the industry benchmarks and we know what questions to ask.”

Roland Hofer

Without the support of experienced consultants, you run the risk of:

Our solutions for you:

Hofer.Law is a full-service provider for companies in all relevant areas of European and Austrian commercial law.

We offer you a wide range of consulting services at transparent prices. These include, among others:

Every company is individual, which is why standard solutions do not meet the daily legal challenges.

We develop a solution tailored to your company and always keep you up to date on important developments.

Visit us!

Our office is located in the center of Vienna. 

Unser Team arbeitet hier Tag für Tag am Erfolg unserer Mandanten. Allerdings haben wir unsere Prozesse so digitalisiert, dass wir die komplette Beratung per Telefon und Video-Konferenz abwickeln können.

So können wir Mandanten in ganz Österreich, Deutschland, Liechtenstein und der Schweiz beraten.

Hoher Markt 4, Wien 1010, AT

+43 (1) 91 666 87


Without the support of experienced consultants, you run the risk of:

  • Der rechtliche Rahmen Ihres Unternehmens nicht Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht
  • Unklarheit darüber herrscht, ob und welche Lösungen für Sie konkret in Betracht kommt
  • Regulatory changes in your company are not implemented in a timely manner