Hoher Markt 4, Vienna 1010, AT


PRIVATE CLIENTS: Immobilien privat

Real Estate Law Austria: Advice for private customers


Our law firm supports you in this property, such as buying or selling a house, apartment or property safely and smoothly.

We know the industry benchmarks and we know what questions to ask.”

Roland Hofer

Without the support of experienced consultants, you run the risk of:

We know what questions need to be asked and
what room for negotiation there is, for example, on the price

We accompany you legally at all stages of the journey: from the search for the perfect property to the right offer and financing, from the drafting of the contract, trusteeship and contract negotiations with the seller to the signing of the contract purchase contract and the entry in land register. 

Avoid pitfalls and pitfalls when buying real estate

Buying real estate has many pitfalls and traps, so it is particularly important to find an experienced one as early as possible Lawyer to have by his side.

Real estate sales: Assistance with real estate sales

Also at real estate sale it is recommended one Lawyer to consult. We will help you with compiling the documents, with the planning and preparation of the sale and support you with a seller-friendly contract creation as well as a safe and fast processing.

Real estate sales: Assistance with real estate sales

Just for inexperienced buyers is a property purchase challenging, because: real estate only becomes the property of the buyer when he land register is registered. A lot can happen in this time. To cushion this risk, you as a buyer need a trustee. The trustee has the task of keeping your money safe until you as the owner of the property land register are registered.

It is common for one property purchase, that the buyers choose the contract setter and trustee, since they also bear the costs for this. We support you in your selection as a contract drafter and trustee or negotiate with them for you - with valuable tips and a lot of practical experience.

Contract Law: No errors when signing the purchase contract

At the latest with the content of the purchase contract it is important to consult a legal expert: because an insufficient or faulty contract delays the registration in the land register or withdrawal of the money and can result in costly litigation.

Our real estate law services include:

Every property is different and a standard contract with model clauses cannot do justice to the multitude of possible requirements - from both the buyer and seller's point of view.

Wir übernehmen die Vertragsverhandlungen für Sie und sorgen dafür,  dass sich ihr Investment auch nach Jahren noch lohnt. Durch unsere jahrelange Praxis wissen wir, wo Sie Fehler vermeiden, um später keine bösen Überraschungen zu erleben.

As lawyers, we are experts in Contract law for real estate purchases and real estate sales: Together with the notary we trust, we can offer you an attractive overall package at a fixed all-inclusive price.

Visit us!

Our office is located in the center of Vienna. 

Unser Team arbeitet hier Tag für Tag am Erfolg unserer Mandanten. Allerdings haben wir unsere Prozesse so digitalisiert, dass wir die komplette Beratung per Telefon und Video-Konferenz abwickeln können.

So können wir Mandanten in ganz Österreich, Deutschland, Liechtenstein und der Schweiz beraten.

Hoher Markt 4, Vienna 1010, AT

+43 (1) 91 666 87


Without the support of experienced consultants, you run the risk of:

  • Der rechtliche Rahmen Ihres Unternehmens nicht Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht
  • Unklarheit darüber herrscht, ob und welche Lösungen für Sie konkret in Betracht kommt
  • Regulatory changes in your company are not implemented in a timely manner

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